In this time of great uncertainty, our first priority is the health and safety of our customers and team members. As a way of taking measures to comply with the guidelines set for by the federal and state government, Eco Car Wash is implementing these below stated changes to help fight and win the battle against COVID-19. We would like to update you on what we are doing right now at Eco Car Wash to address this pandemic and serve our community, law enforcement, taxis, and delivery vehicles.

*Voluntary shifts for all staffing members and reduction in staffing levels
*Increased frequency of staff hand washing
*Apply social distancing 6ft for customers and Team Members
*All Staff Members required to wear gloves
*Vacuums temporarily unavailable to help eliminate contagious transmission.
*Essential cleaning and disinfecting of high volume areas
*Providing dash wipes to customers to clean interior of vehicle

If you have any questions about our procedure, please feel free to email us at

Thank you for your support! Together we are washing ECO friendly!
— Joey Hanna - CEO

Questions? Email us at